This seems to be the conventional medical solution to many female hormone issues...
...It is the 2nd most common surgical procedure after C-section. In fact, by age 60, OVER 1/3 OF ALL WOMEN HAVE HAD A HYSTERECTOMY!
Certainly in certain situations, like cancer, bleeding that cannot be managed with properly dosed and balanced hormones, unmanageable infection, or uterine rupture, this may be the only option...
...However, numerous conditions can be corrected in other ways. One key example is ENDOMETRIOSIS, which is one of the main reasons why women undergo complete removal of their female sex organs...However, studies have found that 15% OF WOMEN WHO'VE HAD A COMPLETE HYSTERECTOMY FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS EXPERIENCE RECURRENT DISEASE, mainly on the small and large intestine....
Moreover, research has also shown that women who undergo surgical menopause, especially those who were not yet in menopause, have an increased risk of developing every chronic disease, including heart disease.
...If you have a condition for which your doctor is recommending a complete hysterectomy, get at least 2 other opinions and ask about ALL of the other treatment options available....because there ARE other options!